About Us


Food culture from past to now has so many ups and downs which has a direct effects on people’s health. People’s diet changed from protein and unsaturated fat to carbohydrate and saturated fat and trans fat, the reason is the time tense that cause no time in order to make healthy foods.

In the other hand Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are essential for growth, health and life itself, so, daily use of dietary supplements and fortified foods is becoming accepted by consumers around the world. But different group have different needs and certain population sub-groups are vulnerable to micronutrient malnutrition. Like; pregnant women, menopause women, elderly, children.

Suprabion’s purpose is to create brighter lives for people today and generations to come. For this purpose EXXON PHARMED was established by a group of industry leaders Pharmacy and nutrition specialists with emphasis on research about different formulas for different needs.



Suprabion supplements entered from Swiss company "DSM" in the form of premix and produce and package in Kish MediPharm Company.

DSM is a purpose-led global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living.  Quali® is a trademark of DSM. For DSM, quality is a way of life. This is the core of Quality for Life: a seal of excellence.

Quali®-Blends is from vitamins, carotenoids, minerals and an extensive range of nutritional ingredients that were turned into dry as well as liquid premixes. This product is ideal for dietary supplements, infant nutrition, beverages and staple foods.

Suprabion products are ideal for dietary supplements with emphasis on quality, reliability and traceability. It means that Suprabion customers are getting the best nutrition & health ingredients, knowing the source, and tracking is essential to ensure that our products’ characteristics are safe for you and your loved ones. And achieving sustainability; means simultaneously pursuing economic performance, environmental quality and social responsibility, have been available to consumers since 2015.

We hope to take a step towards the health of our people.

We are trying to make everyone's healthy.



Supplement Your Health