Magnesium and ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- ADHD- and the role of micronutrients (Magnesium and Vitamin B6)
Children with ADHD are group at risk' as far as their further emotional and social development and educational possibilities are concerned. Attention deficiency, hyperactivity and impulsivity are three main symptoms that help diagnose the disorder before the age of twelve years. Besides, other accompanying secondary symptoms such as aggression, social incompetence, conflict with peers and anti-social behavior other clinically important symptoms.
The consequences of the lack of an appropriate therapy appears to be serious. In recent years, the role of environment and more specifically the role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of the symptoms of the disease have been attracting the attention of researchers. Diet therapy is a simple and inexpensive method that can be readily accepted by the parents and adopted by the children. Nutrition therapy, especially the role of supplements and vitamins is very pronounced. It is reported that dietetic factors can play a significant role in the etiology of ADHD syndrome, and Magnesium deficiency can help in revealing hyperactivity in children.
Magnesium deficiency is found more frequently in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than in healthy children. In one study of ADHD children, magnesium deficiency was found in 95 percent of those examined. Does this warrant Magnesium supplementation for hyperactive children? The answer is yes.
Supplementation with Magnesium appears to be especially helpful for alleviating hyperactivity in children. In a group of children supplemented with about 200Bmg per day of Magnesium for six months, there was “an increase in Magnesium contents in hair and a significant decrease of hyperactivity” compared to children in the control group who had not been treated with supplemental Magnesium.
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